When booking a hotel for the NJEA Convention, be wary of scams like "housing pirates" who falsely claim to be affiliated with NJEA, offering seemingly great deals on rooms while charging inflated prices or directing attendees to non-existent room blocks, often through phishing emails or fake websites. Please be very careful of these scams.
Recently, it has come to our attention that there are companies who may be contacting our members and exhibitors to solicit hotel reservations for the NJEA Convention in Atlantic City. These firms are not affiliated with NJEA in any way and have no approval to manage housing on NJEA’s behalf. These companies misrepresent themselves by claiming to be the official housing provider for the NJEA Convention. Any person who claims to do so on behalf of NJEA is not authorized to do so.
Sometimes, these companies will offer you cut-rate hotel accommodations and try to convince you that the offer is being made on behalf of NJEA. This is not the case. NJEA does not use any third-party company to manage its housing needs. NJEA will NEVER call or email you to solicit hotel reservations. The only way to secure a hotel room for the NJEA Convention room block is through the online registration links provided by NJEA or by YOU contacting the hotel and using the NJEA Convention group code.
If you receive emails or calls regarding discounted NJEA hotel accommodations, please disregard them and do not engage with the caller or sender.